"Introduction To Psychometry" at
The Sage Moon
(203) 284-3307

All objects carry frequencies. Therefore, all objects will bring images (clairvoyance) and mental thought forms (clairaudience). Healers tend to do well with this form of psychic development, as they are already accustomed to dealing with subtle forms of energy.

In this three-hour workshop, the "objects" that we'll be reading will actually be photographs of our friends and loved ones. Each participant will have at least one or two of their photographs "read" as part of a group experience. (the people in the photographs can be living OR passed on).

This workshop will be led by the psychic medium Lori-Ann Locke. Advanced registration is required. Call for reservation. 25 Dollars.

Saturday March 23, 2002 from 2 pm to 5 pm